
Healing Therapy

Clear and balance your entire soul. This includes several modalities including but not limited to healing stone infused ayurvedic oil, sound healing tools, crystals, pendulums, therapeutic massage techniques, hot towels, essential oils & flower essence. This service is designed to relax and align your physical, mental and spiritual body.

Available at one of the two following locations!

Sacred Space - 10 Pleasant St, Plainfield, CT 06354

Spa One - 28 Mashamoquet Rd, Pomfret Center, CT 06259

60 Minutes - Love exchange $100

75 Minutes - Love exchange $120

Spa One - Pomfret CT

Plainfield CT

Home / Office Space Clearing

Includes smudging with mixed herbs and sage / specific incense to the space. A personalized satchel of mixed stones and curated herbs for you to have and use at anytime. Love exchange varies based on factors related to this service.

Love exchange $60 and up

Private Yoga and/or Intuitive Meditations

Private yoga classes as well as intuitively guided mediations are available upon request.

Love exchange varies depending on several factors related to this modality. For example, number of souls in attendance, duration, specific requests etc. etc.

Love exchange may vary

Coming Soon!

Infrared Sauna Room with an all Natural Cedar Wood sauna designed to fit three souls comfortably


A Himalayan Salt therapy room where souls are treated for a vast variety of ailments using pharmaceutical grade Himalayan salt mist.